You'll immediately think of Francesca Rossi when discussing AI and ethics.
Francesca is not only the Global Leader for AI Ethics at IBM, but also the president of the worldwide association of AI (AAAI) and a fellow of the European one (EurAI).
She has been president of IJCAI (International Joint Conference on AI), an executive councillor of AAAI,
and the Editor in Chief of the Journal of AI Research.
Her research interests focus on artificial intelligence and specifically the areas of constraint reasoning, preferences, multi-agent systems, computational social choice, and collective decision making. She is also a champion and recognized global leader in addressing ethical issues in the development and behavior of AI systems, particularly for decision support systems for group decision making.
In this interview, she discusses her career history, interests in AI, and traveling from Italy to the United States to work for IBM in her interview. She shares her experience as an Italian professor and her recent meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican to continue advancing the Rome Call for AI ethics, an agreement established in 2020 by The Pontifical Academy for Life, IBM and Microsoft to support an ethical approach to AI.
An educational interview with a real role model for everyone!
In today’s fast-paced business world, AI tools are becoming increasingly necessary to help automate tasks, save time, and increase productivity.
With the right open AI tools, any person can be more efficiently, allowing more time to focus on higher-level tasks. Whether you are looking for a tool to take notes, generate text to art, or automate your social media, there is something out there for everyone.
Here are the 15 best AI tools that you can use for your day-to-day life or business.
Julia Wiegel is one of a kind!
When you thought, weather is a topic you are not interested in, let me change your mind!
In her interview she is talking about her studies in weather data and how actually businesses need to change and how positively weather data, from a business point of view, will help the performance of almost every company. She also talks about her career steps and what actually made her move into the technology direction of meteorology.
Julia also talks about her struggles and how she copes with stress and the pressure of constantly performing in this area. She opens up about her depression and which steps she takes and also what kind of advice she gives to her mentees.
This episode is showcasing a very special human and it is totally a highlight of A Woman in AI! Have fun listening to it!
Nina Fischer gehört zu den erfahrensten AI Application Consultants in Deutschland und hat ihr enormes Wissen oft in Use Cases umgewandelt. Eines ihrer erfolgreichsten Projekte ist Cimon, der AI Space Companion, der sich gerade auf der ISS befindet und Astronauten bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit unterstützt.
Nina erzählt wie sie CImon gebaut hat und welche Features ihn einzigartig machen. Auf jeden Fall wieder ein sehr interessantes Interview mit wunderbaren Einblicken, wie wir AI für uns zu nutzen machen können und welches Potential in neuen Wegen der Mensch-Machine Interaktionen steckt.
Miriam Oglesby is yet another inspiring woman in AI who is using her knowledge and skills to create new innovations. She is creating diverse ecosystems for developers, where everyone is able to be their full selves to engage the skills and potentials. Miriam is also part of the Women Who Code in Berlin, which is engaging a world where women are proportionally represented as technical leaders, executives, founders, VCs, board members, and software engineers.
In her interview she is especially talking about the importance of diversity in developer teams. She is reflecting the issue on her studies and thesis which is focusing on how the gender and diversity gaps in companies are effecting the outcome. Miriam is also talking about how to improve this issue and how to start tackling it, as well as what is happening already.
Again another interview with an eyeopening view and very motivational and inspiring to listen to Miriam.
Anupama Ray is using AI to make the world a better place. Working from the IBM Indian research Lab in Bangalore, she is using Speech Services paired with Machine Learning and complex Natural Language Processes to create a tool that helps children who are recovering from child trafficking.
In her interview she is not only talking abut her inventions and AI but also about the current situation of women in India and how the “guilty“ question is quite present, especially among her fellow PhD colleagues.
An overall very learning and educational interview with a lot of insights for the understanding and usage of AI focusing on mental diseases.
Written by Caroline Criado Perez, a British author, journalist, and activist, the book is a fascinating and infuriating read about the "gender data gaps" across a wide range of domains including medicine, technology, politics, health and safety, transport, and more. Criado Perez illuminates the deep biases in much of the data that major societal, business, and health decisions are built on. With this systemically skewed data, we are essentially discounting half the population, and as a result, we all suffer.
Anja Hendel is an inspiration for everyone looking for a real power woman with a very successful career. In her interview she reflects on her own career path, her studies in computer science, and how she became the managing director for diconium.
Anja refelcts about typical stereotypes and why some people and companies are afraid of AI. She is also giving advise on how to handle those critics and what she thinks is necessary to make sure AI is healthy implemented in our daily life, for example early education in schools.
Anja overall is a full Woman in AI, her view and her positioning on AI is important and also inspiring.
Sophie Richter-Mendau, with a master’s degree in business psychology, talks about how she has created the personality of the first AI companion in space. She is an aspiring AI developer in natural language understanding on her way to an IT architects’ career and loves the diversity of AI use cases.
The A Woman in AI initiative and I won the Award for the “IT-Women of the Year” for Business innovation!
I still can’t believe this actually happened and I thank you all so much!